Map for Harris Armstrong Sappington Spur House Tour

This map indicates the homes of the Harris Armstrong house tour to be held on Sunday 2 May from 2pm to 5pm. You may wish to print out this image and bring it with you to the tour.

The house tour is a benefit for the Sheldon Art Galleries. Tickets for the tour will be available on Sunday on site. Park at the Hough School (at the corner of Sappington and Lockwood) and take the shuttle bus to Sappington Spur. Homes will be open to tour between 2 and 5pm.

You may also be interested in attending the "After Party" for "Golden Key Ticket" donors which will include limited edition photograph, slide talk by Andrew Raimist, and party at #3 Sappington Spur.


  1. samizdat08 May, 2010

    Too rich for my wife and I. Shame, we would have liked to see these houses.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I know many people took photographs during the tour. I'll try to consolidate them in some manner that they can be viewed as a whole.

    While you may have missed the house tour, one of the homes is on the market and for sale. You might speak with the realtor Mary Schwabe about seeing it.

    3 Sappington Spur listing.


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